Can You Tell A Story In…

Hello, all. I hope you’re having a good week. Here’s a new story challenge for you:

Can you tell a story in 35 words? You must use the following words somewhere in the story:


Last week’s prompt was to tell a story in 48 words using the following word in it somewhere:

  • FLU

Here are your hilarious stories:

Trent’s World:

“Election season again!  The time when it flows so deep you need a shovel to move.  Want to see an 85 year-year-old moonwalk or a northerner hand out pineapples?  Just watch these would-be love-magnets!”

“Are you going to the debate or not?”

“Not tonight – I have the flu…”

Chris Page:

Having my flu jab was like being stabbed with the top end of a pineapple. It made me so ill that instead of feeling like a babe magnet when I did my moonwalk for the General election, I looked more like an old man bent over a shovel.

Kim Smyth:

Brenda stuck a picture under the fridge magnet. “Ugh! I can’t believe I have the flu during election week! Yesterday I felt good enough to do the moonwalk with a pineapple on my head. Now I feel like I got hit in the face with a flat shovel.”

Nicola Daly:

“Once upon a time there was an election. One of the candidates drew the crowds like a magnet. I mean, have you ever seen a pineapple moonwalk with a shovel?”

“Mummy, this story’s silly and doesn’t make sense.”

“That’s because I’m delirious and going down with the flu.”

Christine Mallaband-Brown:

“Take a shovel on your moonwalk,” she said. “Bury that old pineapple.” He opened the magnetic lock and set out over the lunar surface. But he sneezed. Oh no, astral flu! Not good in a spaceship! And tomorrow was election day. The lunar mayor would need his help!


Deciding to shake off the ‘flu, I drove to my allotment, grabbed a shovel and started digging. I planted a pineapple tree. Noticing a sign for moonwalking to raise money for charity I was drawn in like a magnet. Flu forgotten, election forgotten, I faced my next challenge.


The election was a pigging disaster. Morris wore a pineapple hat on his head, tried to moonwalk on a shovel, and still had flu. Although he remained a voting magnet with the British Saddlebacks, the disgusted Middle Whites and Berkshires changed allegiance. He lost by a substantial margin.

Tessa Dean:

My flu symptoms were getting worse. As I was attempting to do the moonwalk, dizziness overtook me. I tripped over a shovel and landed on a pineapple. I knocked the election ballot and the magnet holding it up onto the floor. I bent over to pick it up.

Sharron P:

“I’ve got the flu!” she spluttered, her eyes magnetically drawn to the huge crowd. “I’m going home. Look, just vote for me in this damn election. When I’m better I’ll do anything you want. Walk around with a pineapple on my head, shovel horse poo, anything at all!”


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45 Responses to Can You Tell A Story In…

  1. trentpmcd says:

    “Mrs. Peacock in the drawing room with a banana!”

    “Banana?  Get serious!”

    “Clue serious?  Say that again and I’ll tickle your toes!”


    “Sometimes you must pay the price to play!”

    “Mom, make Lizzy stop!”

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Cathy Wattam says:

    Honestly, the price you pay for stealing the last banana! When children are the Judge and Jury – picture getting tickled by a Peacock feather whilst trying to watch the penultimate episode of “Murder, She Wrote”.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Kim Smyth says:

    “Dont kill me please!”
    But murder is what I do” he said while attempting to tickle her with a peacock feather.
    “I’ll pay any price!”
    “No” he shoved the the banana way down her throat.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Pingback: Can You Tell A Story In… – Tessa Dean – Author

  5. Tessa says:

    Here is my contribution. Mrs. Peacock did it!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. carolmiers says:

    Hello, here is my story.

    Easier to balance on a banana skin than to hold peacock pose as her back was giving her murder. But, whatever the price, she could, that is, until she felt a tickle under her nose. 

    Liked by 3 people

  7. carolmiers says:

    Easier to balance on a banana skin than to hold peacock pose as her back was giving her murder. But whatever the price, she could – that is, until she felt a tickle under her nose.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. SexagenarianScribbler says:

    Deborah  was provocatively unpeeling a banana . 

    Gary felt a tickle under the table. 

    ‘It was Mrs Peacock, with the candlestick in the library.’Dr. Price declared smugly.

    ‘I could murder a cuppa.’ announced Mrs Price.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. It’s alarming to read the comments of others suggesting ‘where their mind immediately went’ when I acknowledge where mine immediately went…..
    Anyway, this is entitled ‘Another Post-Coital Chat’

    We hadn’t even discussed price, but as we lay there panting she tickled my naked shoulder with a peacock feather.
    “Can I get you anything?” I asked, suddenly in love.
    “I could murder a banana.”

    Liked by 4 people

  10. “Murder, banana, tickle, price, serious”, the ex president rolled off the words to prove his mental ability. “But it was man, woman, TV camera


  11. “Murder, banana, tickle, price, serious”, the ex president rolled off the words to prove his mental ability. “But it was man, woman, TV, camera, giraffe”, said his aide trying to recall the correct sequence, incorrectly!

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Look at me, it’s murder dressed like a peacock for my kid’s school play. And the tickle when I bend over! Still it’s better than playing a banana! Then again, if the price is right…

    Liked by 3 people

  13. treehugger says:

    He disturbed the peacock asleep in the tree, which alerted the household. Using a banana to threaten ,no intent on murder, the careless burgler paid the ultimate price when he was shot by Mr Tickle.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. nikidaly70 says:

    ‘Tickle me pink – those fancy-dress costumes! The peacock eating a banana is fantastic.’

    ‘Look, here’s the tea tent. My feet are killing, and I could murder a cuppa.’

    ‘But have you seen the price? Shocking!’

    Liked by 3 people

  15. “Murder!” Shouted Ms. Peacock. “That’s a serious charge, Inspector Price.” 

    The inspector stood fast, cufflinks in hand. “ If you would have eaten the banana rather than tickle it, the charge would have never been entertained.”

    Liked by 2 people

  16. squirreljan says:

    His price was a banana. Gorilla Gus, realising how much Hyena Henry laughed, sneaked up behind Peacock Percy, pulled a tail feather and began to tickle Henry. He died, happily, from laughing. The perfect murder!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. And who could blame me? The prompts were clearly a setup. But here’s another 35 word reaction …

    MURDER – a crime of passion?
    BANANA – Fruity. Enough said. Your imagination can do the rest.
    PEACOCK – a posing, preening, pleasing creature born to love.
    TICKLE – slap and?
    PRICE – oh, please don’t spoil this with economics.

    Liked by 1 person

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