Laughing Along With A Limerick

Happy new week! Here’s a fresh limerick challenge to kick-start your Monday.

Your new word is:


Your challenge last week was to write a limerick using the word BRUSH in it somewhere. You produced some witty limericks:

Keith Channing:

Basil has quite a fine brush,

Resplendent, hirsute and quite lush.

Use this little ditty,

Say that it looks pretty,

He’s sure to respond with a blush.

Ruth Scribbles:

I once had a brush with the law

You wouldn’t believe, such blah

I said I’d abide

Then went for a ride

I cried and I cried and I bawled.

Trent’s World:

To join a challenge would be great

I always seem to be running late

So with a sigh

I brush on by

But today I will participate!

Today May lived her fear!

No time to brush teeth or hair

Her crush came by

She mumbled “Hi”

And wished she could disappear.

Kim Smyth:

Having had a brush with death

Nearly breathing her last breath

She decided alive is better

Striving to make her life matter

She forever gave up meth.

Cee Tee Jackson:

Angry Dave’s work left no time to talk

His boss was in for a shock




Christine Mallaband-Brown:

I once had a brush with reality

When drinking a cup of mint tea…

The tea bag was wrong

Contained Lapsang sushong,

I was sick as a dog in a tizzy.


To tell a lav is really plush

It needs to have a golden brush

With a seat that’s heated,

And the paper pleated,

And as the final touch: a royal flush.

Val Fish:

I’ve just had a nasty brush with the law

I’m too embarrassed to tell you what for

Suffice to say

At the end of the day

I’ll never do it again, that’s for sure!


I’m always all of a rush,

My hair I forget to brush.

It stands up on stalks,

I resemble Guy Falkes.

Will I ever get to look plush?


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20 Responses to Laughing Along With A Limerick

  1. Kim Smyth says:

    There once was a guy that was so smart
    The talents he had with his art!
    He started with pen and ink
    Ended up with sculptures I think
    And wow, did they prove he had heart!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. 1st quick attempt:

    A young lad once thought it smart,
    To hold a lighted match to his fart.
    But he’d drunk too much Coke,
    It was no longer a joke,
    Rectum? Yes it blew him apart.

    (I know … I’m such a child. 😉😂)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. trentpmcd says:

    Eric had a pretty slow start
    His horses eating grass behind the cart
    Always too cool
    To try at school
    Nobody thought he was very smart

    But when Eric was twenty nine
    He began to toe the line
    Hard work and smart picks
    Provided his life fix
    Now Eric is doing quite fine

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Smart people know stuff, it is true,
    More than me and, no doubt, more than you.
    According to Mum,
    Rexisting is dumb,
    They’ll find out whatever you do!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. My elbow is starting to smart
    I’d climbed into an old cart
    I was trying to get out
    A pound coin and a groat
    But I pulled my ligament apart!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Not-so-smart-ass. – Cee Tee Jackson

  7. TanGental says:

    Creative writing is a wonderful art
    That makes me feel I’m really quite smart
    But this self admiration
    Ends with the temptation
    To finish this rhyme with a fart.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. SexagenarianScribbler says:

    I’ve never been thought of as smart
    But I know I’ve got a good heart
    Never mind brains
    The fact remains
    It’s what’s inside that sets people apart

    Liked by 1 person

  9. treehugger says:

    I dreamed of a wedding ,so smart,
    With my family all taking part.
    The car hit a post,
    With my face like a ghost ,
    I arrived at the church in a dust cart .

    Liked by 1 person

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