Laughing Along With A Limerick

Happy new week! Here’s a fresh limerick challenge to start your Monday.

Your new word is:


Your challenge last week was to write a limerick using the word GRAVY in it somewhere. You produced some great limericks:

Keith Channing:

Gravy? Make mine a Bavarian,

Resplendent in goulash Hungarian.

Add piping hot rice,

Vacuum-packed spice.

You’d never guess I’m vegetarian!


Amongst the vegans, I say this bravely:

My favourite meal is lamb and gravy;

And while I’ll risk it

Over bisto and brisket,

I know such honesty will not save me…

Christine Mallaband-Brown:

Get on the gravy train she said

All your problems will be dead

But though I bought shares

In apples and pears

The resulting profit could not keep me fed!

Kim Smyth:

A lady who’s hair was quite wavy

Really did love her gravy

She poured it on biscuits

Or dipped in her triscuits

She’ll get along fine in the Navy!

Ruth Blogs Here:

I love gravy with all sorts of meat

Made from scratch or from granules – I cheat!

Lamb, beef, chicken or pork

Sausage stabbed with a fork

Gravy makes my meat dinner complete.

Lance Greenfield:

There was an inventor called Davy

Whose inventions were sometimes quite crazy.

He crossed a spud with a sponge.

It tasted like grunge,

But it sure held a whole lot of gravy!


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20 Responses to Laughing Along With A Limerick

  1. The prisoner tripped and he fell
    Down the steps on the way to his cell.
    Look at it some more,
    There’s only one floor!
    That’s one more new level of hell!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Kim Smyth says:

    Do not drive while looking at your cell
    The results could turn out not well
    You might change lanes
    Or slip slide in the rains
    Or worse, crash and feel you’re in hell!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Chel Owens says:

    “To sea!” cried the sailor, “To sail!”
    But his mate (who didn’t hear well);
    Thought the cap’t, leaf-turned,
    Meant admittance, well-earned;
    -As, through jail cell, he kept tryin’ to yell!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. A mitochondria in a small cell
    Went dizzy and started a spell
    Of making new flavours
    Of chocolate favours
    And created a sweet you could sell

    Liked by 3 people

  5. A fraudulent trader called Del
    Forged share certificates to sell.
    But the Stock Exchange got wise
    To his blatant deceit and lies,
    So now he’s banged up in a cell.

    (I know … it’s kinda cheating a little, but I’m just back my hols, though I think I left my brain about 5,000 miles away. Forgive me. ) 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  6. My best friend’s called Mello-Elo.
    She eats ice cream with yellow Jell-O.
    If you’re feeling ill
    Or just want to chill,
    She’ll play you a tune on her mellow cello.

    Liked by 2 people

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