Guest Writer Spot

Happy Friday! It’s time for my guest writer slot. This week, it gives me great pleasure to welcome back Kevin Morris, who has appeared in this slot a few times with his stunning poems. Here’s a poem from his new poetry collection entitled ‘The Churchyard Yew and Other Poems’.

A Hyacinth’s Scent Last Night


Kevin Morris

A hyacinth’s scent last night

Brought such delight

To me, as she stood,

Pure and white,

In her box of wood.

Others unopened stood

In that box of wood.

They will flower and die

As will I.

If you enjoyed Kevin’s poem, you can buy the book from Amazon


Kevin Morris was born in the city of Liverpool on 6 January 1969.

Having graduated with a BA in history and politics, and an MA in political theory from University College of Swansea, Kevin moved to London where he has lived and worked since 1994.

Being visually impaired, Kevin uses screen reading software called Job Access with Speech (JAWS), which converts text into speech and braille enabling him to use a Windows laptop.

You can find Kevin on Twitter:

If you’d like to be a guest on my blog, please get in touch: Poems can be up to 60 lines and prose 2000 words. If you’d like to add a short bio and photo, then great.


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8 Responses to Guest Writer Spot

  1. fenlandphil says:

    I will try and find this software it may help some of the visually impaired passengers that I take for appointments.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Many thanks Esther for featuring my new poetry collection on your blog. Best wishes. Kevin

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A beautiful poem by Kevin. I have his book and will get to it soon. I haven’t had much reading time because my aunt is in hospital and is very ill.

    Liked by 1 person

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