Can You Tell A Story In…

It’s Thursday so I have a new story challenge for you:

Can you tell a story in 16 words? You must use the following words somewhere in the story:


Last week’s prompt was to tell a story in 50 words using the following words in it somewhere:

  • TAX
  • SLIP

Here are your funny stories:

Christine Mallaband-Brown:

Please provide a password that uses uppercase, numbers, symbols, and lowercase letters.
Utmost importance, words cannot include “willpower”, “tax”, “guitar”.

She thought desperately, but all she could type was “Slip-a-Gooseberry-into-an-Eagle_using_camera-12?”.

Not Acceptable came back the reply, too many letters, exceeds password rules.

Kim Smyth:

Adam drummed up the willpower to play his guitar and avoid paying the income tax. His wife appeared in her slip eating a gooseberry crumble. She handed it to Adam and ran off to photograph an eagle with her camera.

Tessa Dean:

I didn’t have willpower regarding the tart taste of gooseberries. I slipped my guitar strap around my neck, and it hit my camera, which was already hanging there. I used my camera to snap a picture of the eagle, hoping it would sell for enough money to pay my taxes.

Adele Walton Haddon:

She’d visited the Scottish Festival since being a lass.  Now after years of willpower learning the guitar she hoped to play here without a slip.  The eagle eyed might spot a camera on stage, like an intruding gooseberry, recording the moment.  Stagefright? Yes but preferential to her tax office job!

Nicola Daly:

Down there? Looks a bit taxing. One slip and I’ll be flying like Eddie the Eagle.’

‘Or you could just go splat like a gooseberry. Go on. Just needs a bit of willpower. I’ve got the camera ready.’

‘Is there anything to hang on to?’

‘Er… This guitar string?’



If only I’d maintained the willpower to avoid the camera, but I strummed my guitar suggestively and winked at the photographer. Her eagle eyes were willing me to slip up and show my face in full. The next day’s headline read, ‘Tax Evader, Tom Gooseberry is discovered playing in Havana’.

Carol Miers:

Oh to slip away like an eagle, dropping off a sheer cliff face – just sheer courage, sheer willpower, no more playing gooseberry or overtaxing myself for others. Oh to hide away from cameras, away from sight, from society.

Yeh, I know, violin strings, plucked guitar strings.

Exit Stage right.


I was ready to photograph the eagle. Devoid of willpower I quizzed my’ friend’, why she had to play gooseberry? My husband seemed more interested in her guitar playing than helping set up my camera .

The green monster arose, I let slip, I had deliberately forgotten to post her tax return.

Ann Edall-Robson:

The day an innocent camera shot by a guitar player ended up in a magazine called Willpower Slip, the tax department knew they’d won. 

For decades, Flying Eagle Cartel evaded paying thousands in taxes, claiming to use only organic ingredients in their Gooseberry Soap. The crop dusting photo proved otherwise. 


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22 Responses to Can You Tell A Story In…

  1. nikidaly70 says:

    I’ll do a handstand when I’ve finished the washing-up and the glitter’ll drop from my hair.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. “I’m practising my handstand!” Kicking up her legs, Sophie knocked the glitter pot into the washing-up.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Kim Smyth says:

    I messed with my son’s glitter and had to wash-up before berating him for the handstand.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. squirreljan says:

    Esmeralda was washing up, whilst doing a handstand. She won the glitter ball trophy, hands down!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Tessa says:

    Here are my 16 words.

    Patsy started washing up the glitter. She had cheerleading practice and would be doing handstands later.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I’ll do the washing-up in a minute she said, after this handstand, glitter flying everywhere!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. treehugger says:

    Evenung routine.

    Handstand in pink,glittery shorts,followed by jogging on the spot,then concentrate on washing up.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Fling some glitter on the washing-up, they’ll look clean! Then you’ll have time for handstand practice!

    Liked by 1 person

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