Can You Tell A Story In…

Hello all. It’s time for a new story challenge:

Can you tell a story in 28 words? You must use the following words somewhere in the story:

  • LOOT

Last week’s prompt was to tell a story in 16 words using the following words in it somewhere:


Here are your entertaining stories:

Animal Behaviour Clinics:

“I’m practising my handstand!” Kicking up her legs, Sophie knocked the glitter pot into the washing-up.

Christine Mallaband-Brown:

I’ll do the washing-up in a minute she said, after this handstand, glitter flying everywhere!

Kim Smyth:

I messed with my son’s glitter and had to wash-up before berating him for the handstand.

Tessa Dean:

Patsy started washing up the glitter. She had cheerleading practice and would be doing handstands later.

Nicola Daly:

I’ll do a handstand when I’ve finished the washing-up and the glitter’ll drop from my hair.


Esmeralda was washing up, whilst doing a handstand. She won the glitter ball trophy, hands down!


Handstand in pink,glittery shorts, followed by jogging on the spot, then concentrate on washing up.

Sharon’s Writers Tidbits:

Fling some glitter on the washing-up, they’ll look clean! Then you’ll have time for handstand practice!


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15 Responses to Can You Tell A Story In…

  1. Kim Smyth says:

    He retrieved the loot for donation from under his pillow, and headed for the ballroom. There he attended the sacred Nickelodeon tradition, leaving happy, but covered in slime.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. nikidaly70 says:

    As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep, dreaming of the time we slithered through slime across the sacred ballroom to loot the glitterball cabinet.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. treehugger says:

    Green slime ran down the walls of the sacred old building. With the robber’s pillow full of stolen loot ,he ran across the dilapidated ballroom to safety.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. The snail slime was on his pillow again! “Sacred ballroom” bed and breakfast was not worth the money. He would have to save loot on his next visit!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. squirreljan says:

    Rotting slime covered the abandoned ballroom floor. I stashed my loot, the sacred trophy, into a pillowcase, as I danced into the magical arms of Len Goodman. “Seven!”

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Admission into the ballroom hosting the Loot Conference is not an easy accomplishment. Arrive with a pillow filled with sunsets and sacred slime, you get in like Flynn.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Tessa says:

    Ronald stuffed the sacred loot in pillows in the ballroom. His hands were covered in slime, as he had searched the pigpen for the loot according to Ralph.


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