Laughing Along With A Limerick

It’s Monday and time for a new limerick challenge to kick-start your week.

Your new word is:


Your challenge last week was to write a limerick using the word YAWN in it somewhere. You came up with some great limericks:

Cee Tee Jackson:


There once was a ‘dead’ man called Shaun

Whose demise was a terrible con.

His wife’s insurance claim

Was made in vain,

When in the mortuary, he let out a yawn.

Keith Channing:

A yawn is an intake of air

A reminder to rise from my chair

There are things I should do,

But between me and you,

Does it help? To be frank, I don’t care!

Olaf Sturlasson’s Poetry Corner:

A gardener was mowing his lawn

When he started to yawn

He said, I hope this will pass

I’ll lie down on the grass

And wake myself up before dawn.


This limerick comes with a trigger warning; vegans, close your eyes…

It’s those food fascists that make me yawn

Insisting I swap meat for corn,

Or adding more greens

Or including some beans

But worst of all? Effing quorn…

Christine Mallaband-Brown:

I awoke when it was barely dawn

And found myself starting to yawn

So I made a mug of coffee,

Accidentally dropped in a toffee

now my teeth are stuck and worn!

Nicola Daly:

I’ve just cracked my jaw with a yawn

And I need to finish mowing the lawn

Round and round I whizz

‘Til my head’s in a tizz

And now the lawn looks ridiculously shorn.

Kim Smyth:

I find when I’m cold I yawn

At times from dusk until dawn

I wrap in a blanket

Or grab a thick jacket

Once warm and ill finally be done.


Each evening I do nothing but yawn,

Between soapland and sport I am torn.

I sit up till midnight,

And even till daylight.

Till I hear the birds chorus at dawn.


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23 Responses to Laughing Along With A Limerick

  1. trentpmcd says:

    Old Jim was a social klutz
    Winked and tried to pat butts
    Slaps didn’t phase him
    Perhaps we’ll taze him!
    Stay away from Jim, he’s nuts!


    I had a moment of glee
    When the beauty winked at me
    But I found out why:
    Something in her eye
    So would I please leave her be?

    Liked by 4 people


    The big, sad old cyclops would think:
    “What I’d give to be able to wink
    But with only one eye
    As hard as I try,
    The best I can do is just wink.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My heart just started to sink
    The flowers I ordered are pink!
    It’s not what I wanted
    Blue – the florest said
    But I wondered when he gave me a wink

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Kim Smyth says:

    It all could be gone in a blink
    If we don’t take time to think
    About our salvation
    The earth sure needs saving
    Before “poof” it’s gone with a Wink!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. nikidaly70 says:

    There once was an ostrich who was tickled pink
    Said, ‘I can skate better than that stinky mink
    Cos my big trick
    Which is rather slick
    Is to wink, and not blink, on one leg around the rink!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Two such limericks slipped onto the page, Esther, both touching upon my possibly unhealthy obsession with the end …..

    Two friends of old age
    Were on their last page
    Both wanting to have a last drink
    “We’ve nothing to lose
    So let’s both hit the booze”
    And that nod was as good as a wink

    I am out in the cold
    All battered and old
    The time is upon me I think
    Deep in my dreams
    Where God calls me, it seems
    And the devil there gives me a wink

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Chel Owens says:

    “It’s not hard; just give it a try,”
    I said, to my rowdiest child.
    But -squint as he would,
    And stretch as he could,
    His one-eyèd tries blinked his two eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It isn’t as hard as you think
    In effect, it is just like a blink
    Only done with one eye,
    With the other held high,
    And hey presto! You’ve perfected a wink.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: That Blinkin’ Cyclops! – Cee Tee Jackson

  10. treehugger says:

    Many a faut pas driven by drink
    Many a barmaid subject to my wink.
    My wife disapproves,
    Of my misguided moves.
    To the divorce court I may finally sink.


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