Laughing Along With A Limerick

How was your weekend? For those of you in England, it’s a bank holiday today. I hope you’re enjoying it. Here’s a new limerick challenge to kick-start your Monday whether you’re off work or toiling away.

Your new word is:


Your challenge last week was to write a limerick using the word ZOOM in it somewhere. You came up with some very funny limericks:

Keith Channing:

I sat all alone in my room

Addressing my workmates on Zoom.

The whole of the meeting

Was ever so fleeting

From beginning to end… va-va-voom!

Kim Smyth:

I once had a car that went vroom!

In fact that thing could really zoom!

But soon had to sell it

My hubby it never fit

Now, I might as well just drive a broom!

Trent’s World:

The modern world makes me sick

For everything occurs too quick!

Zooming here

Tweeting there

Everything is “now” at a click.

Cee Tee Jackson:

There was an old man from Khartoum,

Who invented machines in his room.

When once he was asked

His most difficult task

Said: “a 5-speed Sudan Chair with ‘zoom’.”

Christine Mallaband-Brown:

I zoomed up the motorway

To go to Wales for a stay

I went to Pwllheli

Which was very very

Beautifully sunny today.

Nicola Daly:

Remember the witch from Carlisle?

Well, today she had a big toothy smile

She showed them on zoom

How to fly on her broom

And in the most fabulous style!


‘Your task,’ said the chairman, on Zoom,

‘Was to trigger a holiday boom.

Instead, it’s a shock,

To find you sell rock,

In the shape of the Nude Bather of Frome.’

Carol Miers:

I wish to be never apart

The clock on the wall cannot start

The buzz of the bee

The hop of the flea

The zoom of the tick of your heart.


When anyone suggests I use zoom,

I have a sinking feeling of doom.

I am way past sixty,

My brain not so nifty,

Prefer to speak or meet in a room.


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39 Responses to Laughing Along With A Limerick

  1. trentpmcd says:

    Some thought Marsha quite stern
    Her glare could scorch and burn
    No prima donna
    Ignoring all drama
    Yet human kindness she did yearn


    Richard starred in the play
    A drama by Danny Kaye
    A comedy to some
    To others quite dumb
    It was a farce of the world today


    Danny Kaye was a great comedian of the 1950s (give or take). I am sure a drama by him would be scathing yet hilarious…

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Driving out with my oldest friend, Bruce,
    Realised we were dead low on juice.
    After filling was done,
    Money? Seems I had none.
    Anyway, that is still my excuse!

    Liked by 6 people

  3. (Is this technically a true limerick? It just came to me in flash, so I’ve run with it.)

    A politician called Starmer caused a terrible drama
    When giving his speech today.
    He used terrible grammar, then started to stammer
    And f-forgot what he was t-trying to s-say.

    I’m not trying to influence the election in any way and the rhyme was made without fear or favour – it’s just that the words Sunak and Davey don’t lend themselves quite so handily. 😉 😀

    Liked by 6 people

  4. squirreljan says:

    There once was an old drama queen

    Caused chaos wherever she’d been

    Whether a concert or party

    Afternoon tea or karate

    The fallout was always obscene

    Liked by 6 people

  5. Kim Smyth says:

    With kids drama always occurs
    Life with just two is less worse
    You have one another
    No drama, no bother
    Well mostly, but that’s not a curse!

    Liked by 5 people

  6. nikidaly70 says:

    Oh you can’t imagine the drama
    When I went on a day trip to Palma!
    I got stuck behind a tree
    When I went for a pee
    And then spat on by a cross llama!

    Liked by 6 people

  7. My hubby was really into drama
    He wad good at playing a farmer
    In any old play
    About yesterday
    His knowledge of tractors? A, llama

    Liked by 6 people

  8. I wanted to say alarming but it didn’t fit!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Operational Anxiety – Ruth Blogs Here

  10. I had no intention to harm her
    No plan to induce such a drama
    But my attempt to be charming
    She found so alarming
    That she bit me and claimed it was karma

    Liked by 3 people

  11. SexagenarianScribbler says:

    With an election  weeks away

    Who will triumph, no one can say

    Sunak or Starmer?

    Ignore all the drama

    Just make your vote count on the day


  12. SexagenarianScribbler says:

    With an election  weeks away

    Who will triumph, no one can say

    Sunak or Starmer?

    Ignore all the drama

    Just make your vote count on the day


  13. Pingback: Starmer-drama-spin’s-wrong. – Cee Tee Jackson

  14. TanGental says:

    In times of heightened drama

    we may turn to the Dalai Lama

    who says: ‘early to bed’

    and ‘eat less bread’

    which is sure to make us all calmer

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Pingback: Wisdom #limerick | TanGental

  16. There was a girl called Pamela
    Who lived in Panama
    She was so dizzy
    Was always in a tizzy,
    Oh, the drama when she lost her bra!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. carolmiers says:

    At RADA a kind of a drama

    Shiva and Vishnu and Brahma

    Went into a dance

    Got stuck in a trance

    Then God was reborn as a farmer


  18. treehugger says:

    I don’t want to alarm her,
    The last thing I need is a drama.
    But I did see her Barry,
    Kissing her best friend ,Carrie.
    Was it fate or maybe just karma.

    Liked by 1 person

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