Can You Tell A Story In…

Happy Thursday! Ready for a new story challenge? Here you go:

Can you tell a story in 45 words? You must use the following words somewhere in the story:

  • LICK

Last week’s prompt was to tell a story in 10 words using the following two words in it somewhere:


Here are your clever stories:


Mr Potatohead found his soulmate in the frozen chip aisle.

Val Fish:

Was King Edward a potato head for marrying his soulmate?


Disappointed to find that my soulmate was a couch potato.

Christine Mallaband-Brown:

‘Soulmate required.’

‘Potato chipper for sale.’

Signs in shop window.

Lance Greenfield:

Mr Potato Head and Hamm are soulmates. S-mash the bank!


Our eyes met over the potato waffles. Found my soulmate.

Sharron P:

My soulmate resembled a sweet potato – orange from sunbed overuse.


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10 Responses to Can You Tell A Story In…

  1. Escape, Sport, Lick, Telephone, Stream…
    Five words for the alzheimers check?
    He didn’t remember them.
    I’m sad to say he’s forgotten them all..
    But he’s only a dog, learning to use word buttons. So it’s not surprising, and soon he will be fluent in English.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. SexagenarianScribbler says:

    This had to be the most boring sport ever. Sitting by the stream while her husband fished , she was planning her escape, licking her lips at the pic that had just come through on her telephone. She had quite a different sport on her mind!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Kim Smyth says:

    When Shelly got the telephone call, her lips went dry, so she nervously licked them. She had to plan her escape from the steady stream of sport talk. Attending a football game was one thing but he wanted to take her to a golf tournament!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. treehugger says:

    He heard a stream of abuse shouted down the telephone. He gave the untidy flat a lick and a promise and hurried out of the door. He must escape.
    “Going somewhere, sport? You’ll pay me back for those test match tickets. They were all forged.”

    Liked by 1 person

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