Book Review: Don’t Let Go @HarlanCoben

We all have them, don’t we? You know, that author who saves us, who always gives us what we want. So, when you’ve been wading your way through a book you’re really not enjoying and you think why am I doing this to myself? Reading should be a pleasure, that’s when you turn to your safe author. Harlan Coben is that author for me. And with Don’t Let Go, he didn’t disappoint.

The blurb:


Fifteen years ago in New Jersey, a teenage boy and girl were found dead.

Most people concluded it was a tragic suicide pact. The dead boy’s brother, Nap Dumas, did not. Now Nap is a cop – but he’s a cop who plays by his own rules, and who has never made peace with his past.

And when the past comes back to haunt him, Nap discovers secrets can kill…

As soon as I started reading the prologue, I felt like I was being greeted by an old friend. Harlan has a way of drawing you into his books instantly. They’re full of mystery and intrigue, as well as being jam-packed with twists and turns. You can’t help but like the lead character, even when they’re clearly flawed and have issues; it makes them more like us and we like to be able to relate to the main protagonist in some way. The story is mainly told in the first person, through Nap’s eyes, meaning we’re there, right with him, every step of the way, finding out the truth behind the lies that have lain hidden for far too long.

Harlan has this way of making you think you know all the answers, but he always keeps something back to the very end, something that leaves you with your jaw hanging open. That’s exactly what he does with Don’t Let Go. Another five star read.

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4 Responses to Book Review: Don’t Let Go @HarlanCoben

  1. Kim Smyth says:

    Awesome review, I like that author myself and will probably have to go read this one someday soon…if I can ever get through the stack I already have, lol!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This sounds like an exciting book, Esther. A terrible thing to lose a family member like this.

    Liked by 1 person

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