Markets For Writers

Flash Fiction Market

My market for your this week is a reminder that I’ve started another flash fiction competition, with cash prizes. So don’t miss it!

It’s another open themed competition, with a maximum word count of 250 words. You have until 15th November to send me your entry:

E-mail entries to:

Postal entries to: Flash Fiction Competition, 21 Fuller Close

Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4GS, England

Prizes: 1st £50, 2nd £25, 3rd £10

Entry fee: Only £2 per entry. For payment details: See the Flash Fiction page

The judge from the last competition found a lot of the stories centred around dark themes, which is great, but try and think outside the box. Make your story stand out with something a little different. A diary for instance:

Diary of Ellie Carter, aged 6 ¾

Monday 10th May

I hate Phoebe Spencer-Rowbotham. She talks like the Queen and she thinks she’s the best at everything. But she isn’t. And she smells, too.

Tuesday 11th May

I really hate Phoebe Spencer-Rowbotham. I had to sit next to her on the carpet for stories and she kept poking me. It really hurt. I didn’t want to squeal but Phoebe made me. Then Miss Cook told me off. It’s not fair.

Wednesday 12th May

Phoebe Spencer-Rowbotham is horrid. She told Miss Cook that I poked my tongue out at her when Miss Cook was looking the other way. I didn’t. But I poked it out at Phoebe. And I’m going to do it again tomorrow.

Thursday 13th May

Phoebe Spencer-Rowbotham is a big pile of poo. She’s been telling everyone about her birthday party. She’s going up to London and they’re going to go everywhere and see everything. I’ve never been to London. It’s not fair.

Friday 14th May

I love Phoebe Spencer-Rowbotham. She gave me an invitation to her birthday party today.




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10 Responses to Markets For Writers

  1. Ali Isaac says:

    Love that story, Esther! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great punch line, very entertaining diary story. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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