Post-Holiday Blues

Well, that’s it – another holiday over. Though it was one I’ll remember forever. One of my best friends was getting married in Florida and twisted my arm to go. In all fairness, when she asked me if I’d be able to come, it took all of two seconds to make up my mind.

I’d not been on holiday with friends before and it was so much fun to share all that Florida gives with others. We had fun at Hogwarts, lazed by the pool soaking up the sunshine, met a sloth at the tranquil and beautiful Discovery Cove, drank plenty of cocktails and had lots of laughs. And the wedding? It was wonderful and brought a tear to the eye.

Jet lag is now setting in and of course, the typical British weather welcome home (i.e. wet and miserable) isn’t helping.  Perhaps booking a holiday for next year might help…

098  Enjoying a cheeky cocktail after hair and make-up before getting dressed for the wedding!

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10 Responses to Post-Holiday Blues

  1. piyalforever says:

    Glad to hear that you had a great time! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Annika Perry says:

    Welcome back! Too bad about the non-stop rain – I’m still getting used to that. The cocktails look delicious…bet these weren’t the only ones you had during your holiday. Glad to hear about your great holiday.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Annika Perry says:

    Yes Esther, I had a magical summer, thank you. Lots of fun meeting family and friends, as well as great peace from the nature around us – quietly spiritual. Came back with renewed energy and ideas. No cocktails alas!🍹

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Maybe you could fit some of your fellow British bloggers into your suitcase next year…


  5. teachezwell says:

    So glad you had fun! Sorry for the weather shock!

    Liked by 1 person

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